Saturday, April 19 • 6:00pm - 7:00pm

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As Steampunk becomes more and more popular, many of its devotees have begun to explore new genres to focus their creative energies and explore new time periods and mash-ups. Panelists will talk a bit about the origins of Steampunk, delve into the popular Dieselpunk and Cyberpunk movements, and then start exploring some new niche areas like Nerfpunk, Rococopunk, and any other fun styles they've recently dreamed up or discovered. Join moderator Glenn Freund (The League of S.T.E.A.M.) and XYZ-Punks Johnny Bias (Black Hand Mercantile), Greg DeStefano (photographer), Andrew Fogel (The League of S.T.E.A.M.), and Dina Kampmeyer (Lady Steam Designs) for this discussion and Q&A.

Saturday April 19, 2014 6:00pm - 7:00pm PDT
Room 207

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